What is Diversity and Inclusion? 2024 Trends and Statistics

Diversity and inclusion efforts are definitely in hot-topic territory. There have been many new practices in workplaces, film, education, and even within recent administrations to improve equity and belonging. But how much progress has been made in these sectors? Is there a way to know and compare the statistics? Also, what are the barriers to companies and public entities making progress in diversity and inclusion? This article will discuss these challenging questions and create an overview of the diversity and inclusion landscape in America today.

What is diversity and inclusion?

Diversity refers to the representation of a system or group. Inclusivity is having the people who make up these entities feel welcomed and valued no matter their range of experience, background, disabilities, preferences, and identities. It includes everyone’s unique qualities and upbringing without considering anyone inferior. The United States has proven time and time again that this is a constant challenge despite the awareness and progression that exists.

What are current diversity and inclusion statistics?

diversity and inclusion statistics

When considering diversity and inclusion efforts, has there been progress in areas such as the workforce, representation in media, music, healthcare, sports, technology, or gender equity? Although data supports that more diverse companies result in higher success and profitability, there are still significant statistics that show poor diversity and inclusion outcomes in various industries. Built-In has an article on 50 Diversity in the Workplace Statistics that demonstrates these changes and limitations that the workforce is still facing regarding D&I efforts.

Balance Now, a non-profit whose goal is to analyze and showcase leadership diversity in companies, industries, and government spaces that influence our lives, provides us with this data. This allows transparency and demonstrates the relationship between diversity and workplace culture within these entities and systems. See the full database here along with related articles focusing on equity and inclusion along with gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and the LGBTQI+ community. 

What is the trend of diversity and inclusion efforts in America?

The landscape of inclusion and diversity is still showing progressive trends but is also always subject to change. Social justice movements play a role in gaining attention and pressuring companies and government entities to address systemic inequalities. This also includes movements and trends within pop culture, television, and even immigration. However, executive teams and leadership will play a role in these best practices, inclusive culture goals, and follow-through.

State legislation will also play a role as there are initiatives related to pay equity and anti-discrimination policies. There is also a corporate focus as well as influences from tech companies and remote work industries that have shown opportunities to relieve some of the barriers the U.S. usually faces with recruitment, hiring practices, and workplace experience. 


Overall the outlook still shows business performance being supported by diversity goals. However, data continues to show deficits within major companies and government sectors, leaving large areas for improvement and conviction. Having companies like Balance Now that provide awareness and transparency will only foster new opportunities using evidence-based backing to allow a coherent proposal and to address these continued barriers.

Images by Canva

Paige Hadsall

Paige Hadsall is an accomplished SEO specialist and content writer with a passion for diversity and inclusion. With over a decade of experience in physical therapy, she brings a unique perspective to her writing, particularly focusing on healthcare disparities related to access, bias, and culture.

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