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Diversity and the Big 3’s of Music…

Sony, Universal, Warner music brand poster

Music – an essential factor in almost everyone’s daily routine & yet many of us are unaware of the diversity it represents. All of us would agree that there is a lot of diversity among artists in the music industry. But have you ever wondered about the diversity in the leadership of the music labels? All the music records eventually fall under the branches of the Big 3’s: Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group. So let’s dive into the diversity statistics of these 3 major music companies.

The big 3's racial diversity chart

Starting with the general overview of the racial diversity in the three companies, we can see that 15.6% of the leadership are people of color and the gender diversity shows 26.7% female in the leadership of these music giants.

the big 3's gender diversity chart

If we specifically see the statistical insights for the individual companies, Sony Music Entertainment has the highest diversity with approximately 20% people of color in the executive leadership and about 33% female executives!

Similarly, for Universal Music Group, we can see that there is 18% people of color and 18% female executives in the leadership.

And then finally for Warner Music Group, the stats show a racial diversity of just 5% people of color and 26% female in the executive leadership.

All in all, we can conclude that though the music industry seems pretty diverse in terms of artists and performers, there is still a long way to go when it comes to the decision-makers of the music companies.

See the complete analysis for all the music companies.

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